Forum Romanum
Looking back towards the Capitoline from the Via Sacra
A shot taken from the Via Sacra (Sacred Way) looking back past the Arco di Settimio Severo (built in AD203 to celebrate the Roman victory over the Parthians) towards Capitoline Hill and the Palazzo Senatorio. The group of columns to the left of the photo is the Temple of Saturn. To the right of the Temple is the column of Phocas that commemorates the emperor Phocas's donation of the Pantheon to the Pope of Rome. Between the column of Phocas and the Arco di Settimio Severo are the three columns (one is hidden behind another so that only two arw visible) that remain of the temple of Vespasian which was built by the son of Domitian in 94 A.D. and later restored by Septimius Severus.